Thursday, November 19, 2009

Better Business Through Bartering

You may have noticed that the artwork in your dentists office is a bit on the shabby, and need I say, outdated, side – the matt board has faded, some have brown mystery stains in the corner. Next time you’re sitting in his waiting room, take a look around and consider trading your artwork for dental work.  Although it’s probably the last thing on your mind, it’s just such an experience that makes it a prime situation for barter.

Bartering is a business transaction where you trade your item or service for another item or service. The more connected you are to someone; the easier the barter is to pitch. I once traded a painting for an expensive personal growth workshop and traded gardening work for a years worth of marriage counseling. Anything and everything is open to barter. 

To successfully barter you obviously have to have all the things that I’ve been recommending on my blog in place before you attempt to barter at this level – a web site, business cards, an Artist Menu, etc. Barter doesn’t necessarily have to take place with only people you know. Believe it or not, you can receive just about any goods or services that you would normally pay for simply by trading art. 

If you’re interested in taking barter to the next level, Google “organized barter and trade exchange.”  There you’ll find a ton of information on businesses that are willing to barter and tax information as well. And yes, barter is a tax write off.  


  1. I agree with you that bartering is a great idea. And would just like to add a site that you might be interested in, it called I trade there and have so far only had possitive experiences with it.

  2. Awesome! Thanks for recommending the barter site!
